Post of the Week:

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Stardoll's MOST Hated:

Well, I recently saw a chick who opened her own column, claiming that she was Stardoll's Most Hated. Nuh uh girlfriend, that title belongs to me and me alone. I mean, who else has had to pretend to commit suicide to get people off her back? Who else has about 1 in 10 posts being "nice" whilst the other 9 assault her character? Me, of course! Now, it isn't a title I'm proud of (and I have no idea why that chick willingly puts it on herself), but it's a title I'm going to live with.... so I'm restarting the column. I know I've made mistakes, I know I talked about Lusciious.x far too much (seriously, I didn't know that would make me "her") and I know I acted like a general retard to a lot of people... but, let's face it: who hasn't? Well, I believe everyone should have a second chance, so, the original Hated girl is going to do over, in the hopes that you won't remember me for the stupid stunts I pulled, or the girls who bribed me to write about them, but instead as... well, a columnist.
