Post of the Week:

Saturday, January 26, 2008

AwardsCeremony: Explosive!

The kind, caring and considerate coordinator of The Awards exploded today, when an attendee demanded to know who the photgrapher was. Here is a transcript of the conversation, I doubt AwardsCeremony is low enough to delete the comment, so it'll probably stay there if you want to see it:

clea807 said on 2008-01-27 03:21:56
I'm all dressed now whos the photographer?

AwardsCeremony answered on 2008-01-27 03:56:11

Ah, you mean photographers, and, no, you don't get to know who it is. Who do you think you are? I don't care how dressed you are. OKAY? Don't you DARE demand to know WHOS the photographer, and use an apostrophe next time!

What started out as a nice answer to a somewhat rude question immediately turned into a harsh and explosive answer, proving that pressure can get to even the best of them. Watch out!
Picture: AwardsCeremony taken on 27th January 2008


UPDATE: This is AwardsCeremony's excuse for her "little" outburst, also found in Guest Book:

AwardsCeremony answered on 2008-01-27 04:15:51

No. Just sick of that chick. Don't worry, that explosion was totally necessary (if only you could see my messages!) to slap her back down. Ha! Don't you just love that phrase? Learnt it from Lusciious.x

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