Post of the Week:

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Baroque: Boutique

Remember that source, Baroque? Well, thanks to her gorgeous gossip, I checked out her page and, do you know what I found? The Boutique! Now, I've heard of personal shoppers (she also does that) but I've never heard of an actual store and this idea just takes the cake! It's fabulous! What you do is you go down there, check out the items she has (turns out her stock is constantly changing) and if you see an item you want, you post a detailed description of it in her Guestbook (handy if the Guestbooks actually worked, thanks Stardoll!) and then she replies with the price. Oh, how I wish I was a Superstar! But, even though I'm not, I've joined two of her clubs, and so far I think they're marvelous! Wow, I bet you've never heard me this positive before, but the thing is: I've never heard of such a great idea before, either!
Picture: Baroque taken on 17th January 2008
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