Post of the Week:

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

An old man, lots of women and a rivalry... what next?

Another rivalry? Wow, these two editors must really love each other. Hot magazine editors Monamour. and Style_Magazine have fought it out before, but nothing quite like this has ever been seen. It's almost as if they are friends, until Style_Magazine drops the bomb of the song "No more Mon Amour". To help clear this up, I've found out that "Mon Amour" is actually "My Love" in French, which explains why there is a song about it. While this is quite clever on Style_Magazine's part, you've got to wonder, why is she watching video clips like that? Needless to say "Style" is the English translation of the French word "Vogue", so I can't really say her title is much better, seeing as it's just another translation of a famed magazine: I've never heard of a magazine called "Monamour", so at least she's original. Even so, read on for the guestbook comment and reply:

Style_Magazine said on 2008-01-08 23:34:01
I wanted to say something to you Mon Amour, but - then, I thought "Say No More Mon Amour".
Well, I watched the video, and was unimpressed. It has definitely given me nightmares. Read on for Monamour.'s reply:

Monamour. answered on 2008-01-09 00:49:54
Well, by giving me the address for a raunchy music video, you aren't really proving your point, but, no matter. You can't stop Monamour magazine, as I can't stop Style magazine. The difference? I'm not trying to.

Juicy! I just can't wait for the showdown! Until then, I leave you with the nightmare of that nasty man and his hired companions (shiver).
Top: Monamour. taken on 5th January 2008
Bottom: Style_Magazine taken on 5th January 2008
Check out Monamour.'s page here:
Check out Style_Magazine's page here:


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